Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Crank depan 52 united silver, rantai kuning, pedal united hitam, toe clip united

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Jok VELO ACTIVE hitam, seat post kuning

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Stang drop bar kuning, stem hitam united

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Velq belakang ETRTO hitam, ban cst kuning, jari-jari model lurus warna putih, hub krom, frame putih super white.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Velq Depan ETRTO Kuning, ban cst hitam kuning, jari2 model lurus warna putih, pentil udah ada adaptor jadi gampang kalau pompa ban, hub united krom.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575


Stang lurus putih, grip merah, stem merah.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Rantai merah, gear belakang 18 hitam

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Crank 52 united, pedal united, toe clip united, rantai united merah

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575
Pedal kiri plus toe clip

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Jok Putih VELO

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575


Velq Depan ETRTO warna putih, Ban CST Merah, jari2 hitam, hub UNITED Hitam, jari2 model lurus... beda dong ma yang nyilang, lebih keren yang lurus cuy...

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575
Velq Belakang ETRTO hitam, Jari2 merah model lurus, HUB united.... velqnya jadi lebih tinggi dari aslinya karena pakai BAN CST pinggir hitam tengahnya merah. MANTAB...

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Yang Putih kuning nampak elegant, mengesankan kalem tapi bengis, karena pakai crank 52 depan belakang gear 18 enteng tapi untuk speed tinggal gowes sekencangnya maka melaju dengan cepat... harus belajar ya untuk skid atau ngerem pakai fixed gear... gampang kok tinggal badan condong ke depan tangan genggam erat stang kaki yang satu kebelakang yang satu ke depan sambil nahan sekuatnya.... cieeeeet.... cieeeeettt berenti deh tuh sepeda.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Yang hitam merah tampak GARANG dan bengis untuk speed dan FREE STYLE. Buat free style ok banget nih... bisa spin putar stang... gowes mundur, wheely dll.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Nampak keduanya sedang beradu gaya. Putih Elegant dan Hitam Bengis.... cieeee...

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Friday, September 24, 2010


GAMPANG KOK CARI ALAMAT OMC ..... ikuti aja petunjuknya. KALAU NYASAR jangan sungkan TELP aja, nanti kalau sudah dekat pasti di jemput.

Ini peta Alamat OMC / DOCTOR MATIC (OMC dan DOCTOR MATIC sama aja ya coy !!!) , Kalau mau jelas silahkan Copy dan Paste di Kompi anda lalu gedein deh gambarnya.

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat.
Telp. 081806647575 / 021-70755444 / 021-94348338

Kalau Dari arah Senen, Masuk UnderPass lalu jangan naik Fly Over, putar pinggir kali, lalu balik kembali ke Jalan Let. Jen. Soeprapto, lurus terus .... patokan Showroom Yamaha BATAVIA
belok kiri masuk Jalan Cempaka Putih Utara,
Dari Jl. Cemp. Putih Utara sekitar 500 m .... tanya aja jalan Harapan Mulia XI/ No.9
Ada spanduk di depan tokonya DOCTOR MATIC klinik spesialis motor matic

Kalau dari arah ITC Cempaka Mas.
Lurus yang menuju ke arah SENEN.... putar balik di Bawah Fly Over Galur (dijalan Let. Jen. Soeprapto)
Setelah putar balik di bawah Fly Over nggak jauh ada Show Room Yamaha Batavia
Belok kiri dari ShowRoom Yamaha Batavia masuk ke Jalan Cempaka Putih Utara.
Dari Jl. Cempaka Putih Utara sekitar 500 m ..... tanya aja Jalan Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Ada spanduk didepan tokonya (Spanduk Hitam logo Red Devil)

Barang Baru Scoopy Bisa Pesan di OMC

Barang baru scoopy windshield model terbaru, bisa pesan di OMC, ingat barang tidak ready, sebaiknya sekalian aja motor masuk untuk di modifikasi sambil menunggu pesanan datang.

Pingin segera masukkan motor anda di workshop modifikasi OMC / Doctor matic

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Back Rack belakang model VESPA, yang ini pesanan khusus dari ..... anda juga bisa pesan di OMC. Sebaiknya motor masuk dan di modifikasi di OMC / DOCTOR MATIC

Pingin segera masukkan motor anda di workshop modifikasi OMC / Doctor matic

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Bagian yang di modif Velq Ring 14 MONOBLOCK, Front Rack, Back Rack, Windshield, handgrip, handle dll.

Pingin segera masukkan motor anda di workshop modifikasi OMC / Doctor matic

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Yang Pink sama juga nih modifnya velq monoblock ring 14, Bemper depan, Front Rack, Back Rack, White wall, Jok, Windshield, handgrip

Pingin segera masukkan motor anda di workshop modifikasi OMC / Doctor matic

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Dari depannya seperti ini manis khan, simple tapi enak dilihat. Gimana Bro... langsung aja deh bawa motor ente ke OMC / DOCTOR MATIC untuk di modifikasi style RETRO kalo perlu orangnya juga bisa di bikin retro... macam anak2 naif, changcuter dll

Pingin segera masukkan motor anda di workshop modifikasi OMC / Doctor matic

Jl. Harapan Mulia XI / No.9
Rt. 008/07 Kel. Harapan Mulia Kec. Kemayoran
Cempaka Putih Utara
Jakarta Pusat
Telepon. 021-94348338 / 081806647575

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yamaha Mio Modifikasi Racing Style

Yamaha Mio, Yamaha Mio Modifikasi , Yamaha mio Modifikasi Ricing
Yamaha Mio Racing Modifikasi.

Not bad, as a member kinkine IM3 considered Ambarawa also included the installation of the trend of racing his Yamaha dollars. "Changes mocyc (motorcycle) Thailand is more expensive in the country, but has yet to promote creativity in a typical country boy alone," said.

EDIT Joint Forces IM3 kinkine, the motor assembly in 2007 was full of Drag Racing and will lift the bike a short wheelbase, low seat, handlebars and the crouch abis allows a single installation wheelie bar leaning on the wheel push American-style.

International concern Salatiga brush melted Update spraying is also the origin, ie, by encouraging creativity and yellow design with minimalist side strain and complex color clear again after the collision cuilong Spies Hecker two layers of the coating. Jump to children, dressed in kinkine career movement, such as the edge 17-inch V-shaped soft rubber covered space for the slides on the focus wheel. The kitchen was updated, the last title. Cylinder capacity of 200cc graft catch Tiger Property carburetor spray congenital Honda NSR SP. "Fed on Careers Last Mithsuba Rextor CDI, Exhaust Racing oil cooler



2008 Honda Beat is a new Congress Braminto has not much time away from the showroom had changed her appearance. The treatment is not reliable, because the engine himself before Joddy other motor vessels of men who were in love Funky.

Touch, who has not done much because the owner still wants the numbers of beat Honda Motor, "The limited Low Rider, the message Braminto see are the single employer. It is a challenge for Joddy that does not use Honda Beat had.

One of the wishes of the founding members of the resignation of the manufacturer's standard solid change of the procedure. For more information feet dripping foot. Take the width of the tire and rim can search terms. Diameter measures 14 inches by 4 inches wide and 6 cm located on the front and rear tire sizes 120/70 Deli front, 150/70 rear Sinch. "Awareness in the front tire width same background," said the motion Joddy rear tire.

Limitations, often in the low rider bike every time you bring the Shock Breaker, because you can not only handle the load. In fact, the print engine automatically if a person can go. The solution is to use the double slash gear. The location is not left, but the two sides, left and right. It fills a gap between the password still good brand. "Long determine Shock Breaker owner to the point of discharge and lower engine," said Joddy secret. "What is the length of the blow loop so that the shock is too soft, Then use the inverse Shock Breaker Yamaha Vega in the colors are consistent with the engine. With a thick inner tube between the pillows and left to right.

Inspired to see from the bar, the collection Harley Davidson magazine with everything custom made. Raiser for the use of laser diffraction technique is very clean and simple. For the standard engine every day still remains. Finally, to the panel indicator RPM Kitaco brand and fuel return AUTOGAUGE amplifier control the supply of fuel is smooth

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yamaha MIO Modifikasi Modification

Modifikasi Yamaha Mio BlueOrange Yamaha Mio ModifikasiBlack Extreme Yamaha Mio ModificationFighter ModifikasiExcellent Yamaha Mio Good Looking ModificationMotor Cycle ModificationModifikasi Motor Yamaha MioGood Motor Cycles 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 6, 7, 8, 9 2010Motorcycle Modified Mio very nice especially the modification of motor yamaha mio in 2010 to a lot of modifications and forms a unique and elegant and techno. yamaha mio MODIF not difficult if we really - really need to be different with others, but on the other hand we would have to spend more for a perfect Modification.

I have had a bit Preview Mods Motorcycle Mio who are ready to perform another glance at the mio user. Mio motors called for modifications are also many variations, but I know less and less like there is the term for low rider mio modifications that impression from the motor with low and flat style.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lamborghini LP 710 Audigier

Lamborghini LP 710 AudigierLamborghini LP 710 Audigier PhotoLamborghini LP 710 Audigier WallpapersLamborghini LP 710 Audigier is a car Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640 series which has been modified and includes a designer named Christian Audigier.

Collaboration with designers on this one produces a work of art is "contained" in the body and interior are also in it.

Super fast car this one has been redesigned on the aerodynamic side, 19-inch wheels and stainless steel exhaust with high quality to make it run faster than the previous series.

With the modification of existing, Lamborghini LP710 can be driven up to 360 km per hour and only takes 3.2 seconds to achieve 0-100 km / hour.

This limited series will be produced as many as five pieces only and may be modified as well if desired.

The price is also still "make sense" that is just U.S. $ 692,500. And the good news, there is no requirement that you must have a previous series to buy cars on this one.

Honda Civic Estilo Modifikasi Modification

Honda Civic Estilo engine
Honda Civic Estilo Modification
Honda Civic Estilo Modifikasi
Picture Honda Civic Estilo
Honda Civic Estilo Modifikasi PhotoHonda Civic Estilo Modifikasi Modification, Old cars, young Car who are still craving rated and sought-after around the year 1992-1995, see the year of manufacture including an old car, but when we look at the physical, this car is still unsightly,

Not less than the Honda Civic Estilo brother, namely Genio, differing only in the trunk behind, Genio is also a good target for the search of rare cars.

Honda cielo modifikasi Picture Modification

Honda Cielo 1994 modificationBack Honda Cielo 94 modifidifikasiHonda Cielo 94 modification pictureHonda Cielo 94 modification , matic, red brick, full body kit, full sound system, full leather interior mbtech, cabin lights, foglamp, vt pinnacle 17 full chrome, ducting.

Friday, September 3, 2010

2009 Scion iQ concept Wallpapers

2009 Scion iQ concept Wallpapers2009 Scion iQ concept Wallpaper2009 Scion iQ concept Picture2009 Scion iQ concept2009 Scion iQ concept PhotoScion iQ concept is a new urban vehicle with a revolutionary package that a little over 10 meters long and over three seats is pockets. As cities increasingly revitalized with a new meaning and purpose to move energy and creativity of young people from the suburbs to embrace the new urbanism and is for a car that meets your needs and look offers a very high emotional value. Scion iQ concept is the intelligent response to this need for city very emotional and effective. The convenience of having work, entertainment and culture in the vicinity of the city of youth is a major attraction for the urban centers. The vehicle must be in a position in the narrow alleys and crowded, tight parking spaces to move, have impressive fuel economy and have a stylish functional design. "Scion iQ concept, the traditional concept of the car in reverse turns," said Jack Hollis, vice president of Scion. "Traditionally, small vehicles have been developed as a basis. IQ concept is the opposite of its innovative features and iconic urban design, and we believe fits well with the Scion brand. Our young buyers are innovative thinkers and creative trends before, and we believe that they appreciate what iQ has to offer. "The iQ production is currently sold in Japan and Europe. Five Axis of Huntington Beach, California, the IQ of a higher level with the external and internal damage to aggressive exposure of the vehicle customization potential. With its wheelbase is 78.7 inches, the three-door hatchback can skillfully maneuver through city traffic. At the same time, total length 126.9 cm, width of 71.4 inches front and rear overhangs and short let the iQ to fit almost any space in the city. The front differential and positioned to reduce the length direction of the grating. In addition, the iQ equipped with a gas tank under the floor flat on the rear overhang reduced.

Porsche Carrera GT 2007 Wallpapers

Porsche Carrera GT 2007 Wallpapers in RedPorsche Carrera GT 2007 Picture Porsche Carrera GT 2007 Modification Porsche Carrera GT 2007 Wallpaper Porsche Carrera GT 2007With its V10 engine with 600 hp and a variety of technologies, including a strengthened clutch and brake composite ceramic body as carbon, using the Porsche Carrera GT the undiluted qualities of a true racing car to offer an unparalleled experience of driving on the highway.

Beautiful design and engineering, and 605 horsepower

The Porsche Carrera GT, which was introduced as a 2004 model, is a small, sleek, lightweight roadster is so beautiful that the engineer is to the eye. Protection against the elements in the form of two removable panels that in the luggage compartment, before it can be stored for disposal.

Among the unique features of the car is its 5.7-liter V10 engine of 605 horses, its manual chassis with Porsche engine, transmission media, and patented carbon-reinforced plastic and the first use of a ceramic composite clutch celebrates a production car. Aerodynamics and suspension-bred race the Carrera GT offers a safe and stable travel at speeds up to 205 miles an hour (330 kph). The Carrera GT features the extensive use of lightweight materials like magnesium wheels for the vehicle and substantial part of its special sport seats.

The result of this artistic and sports equipment is a car that reaches from zero to 62 hours miles (100 kilometers per hour) in just 3.9 seconds, 100 miles an hour (160 kph) in under seven seconds, 125 km / h (200 mph) in under 10 seconds and can high-speed test track of 205 miles an hour (330 kilometers an hour away).